Loos 2 Learners Campaign
We believe that everyone has the right to dignified sanitation.
In schools across South Africa, learners struggle with dilapidated and disgusting toilets. This affects their ability to learn and reach their full potential. They miss school due to illness, and female learners are disadvantaged during their menstrual cycle. Children are less likely to eat and drink during the school day in order to avoid using the bathroom, which leads to a lack of concentration in class.
However, functional, effective and clean toilets will have the opposite effect, providing learners with the dignity and opportunities that they deserve. We want to give people and businesses a chance to contribute to changing the landscape of sanitation in schools in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal, enabling learners to have access to dignified low flush toilets and transforming their school experience.
Arumloo Low Flush Toilets have been successfully installed in schools in Gaborone, Botswana, and rural Eastern Cape, South Africa. These installations have been extremely successful, saving the schools up to 70% of their water bill (where they previously had full flush toilets), and at all schools providing learners with beautiful water efficient toilets. The toilets are proven to be effective at flushing on only 2 litres, with no odour, and no problems with blockages or leakages.
The freedom that comes from having safe, clean and dignified toilets at school. (Photo Credit WRC)
​“Sanitation is closely linked to health … It's very important for us to pull together and make our schools better for every child” Khumbuzile Zuma, WASH specialist.
All funds raised will go towards installing Arumloos in schools that battle with inadequate sanitation. Where necessary, this will also include simple ecological treatment systems for the wastewater.
The more funds we raise, the more toilets we can install, and the more lives can be changed.
Arumloo provides Nature-based Solutions (NbS) - from the design of the toilet, to the ecological treatment systems we install. Protecting the environment, and preserving our precious water resources, come alongside our commitment to beautifully efficient bathrooms that give dignity to the people using them.
Please join us in our mission to see school sanitation transformed for the sake of future generations, giving them the best chance of success. Click here to go to our Thundafund Campaign page.
Here are the rewards you can buy through the campaign:
Donation of toilet rolls, cleaning products and services for 25 learners for one term. Keeping the bathrooms hygienic and looking beautiful.
Donation of an Arumloo Low Flush toilet as well as installation and plumbing into a school. Each toilet serves 25 learners. Functional flushing toilets make such a difference in the school day!
Provision of an ecological treatment system for safe disposal of waste. This will contribute towards the treatment system for one toilet (25 learners). The natural environment is protected & enhanced with beautiful plants that provide for re-use of the treated water for flushing.
Donation of a Full Ablution Block consisting of: 6 low flush toilets, 2 basins, an ecological treatment system and the building. Supporting 150 learners. Providing this level of support comes with free social media shoutouts, and signage on the Ablution Block acknowledging your generous gift!